Love has taken me to lofty heights from where the world is but a stage where some flesh and blood dolls share roles... I love loving, as I always have been, ephimerically. This time human forms. Ages back I was loving love as souls. Before that I was loving to be loved as His beloved. Before that I was loved as the spark, the light, the power which spins the wheels of time.
I have learnt through religious practice, I m an apprentice of Him. He loves me in several ways and forms, in several virtues and existences, in various colors and hues, in different seasons as labeled on earth, in different moods as labeled on earth, in various faces as labeled on Earth, through one Soul as He and I label it.
It is tough to pen the mammoth feelings that I have experienced and reproduced. I m pregnant with some eternal joys, post those orgasmic flutes that love has played within me. Understanding of the world has also taken deeper rots in my grains. I am much ado to the learnings that the sands of time have, Love as they say, is beyond definition, I say it defies it, like life does.
To make it simpler the practice indulge us in calling the personified feeling as “LOVE” and some proper nouns.
I also have one proper noun, LOVE, and it makes it much simpler for the complicated world.
Living to love and loving to live.