Monday, February 2, 2009

Kingdom in the Clouds

Lovely princess with her silk layered dress and hair so long.
She rides through the overgrown forest on her white steed strong.
Riding harder and faster then the great west wind can go.
My love awaits in the lilac grove, a gift to me he will bestow.
This prince of hers so kind, tall and a most handsome lad.
His heart and soul to her belongs but.. his soul now sad.
They may never become one, today the King as declared.
He has choosen another for him, the plans are now prepared.
Without her it is not worth living, a memory is all that life is now.
She aproaches, his arms streched out, he falls to knees as to bow.
Forgive me my darling for this I must do, I know this to be the only way,
On the morn, father, for my new bride sends and then I must go far far away
.My mind cannot fathom, my soul is empty, my heart shattered and broke.
I will love you forever, I await you in heaven,
those were the last words he spoke.
Before she could touch him it was done,
a dagger through his heart is all she had seen.
Then I shall follow and in the clouds forever,
you will be my King and I your Queen.

1 comment:

Bharath said...

I will love you forever, I await you in heaven,
those were the last words he spoke.
Before she could touch him it was done,
a dagger through his heart is all she had seen.
Then I shall follow and in the clouds forever,
you will be my King and I your Queen.

Fantastically put across granny..Loved the above verses..Too very good..:)